Dec 19, 2022

🎙 Local entertainer generates 'Buzz' with name change

Posted Dec 19, 2022 2:27 PM

Hays Post

It’s not uncommon for entertainment industry professionals to work under a stage name.

But one Ellis County-based comedian, magician and DJ will soon take that common practice a bit further by legally changing his name to highlight his chosen profession.

Buzz The Entertainer knows some may giggle at the new name, but for him becoming Buzz has been a long time coming and offers a unique opportunity to express his passion for his field.

While the change has been a longtime goal, the process hasn't been without its difficulties.

“The first step that you have to do is obviously pick a name," Buzz said. "I would not recommend it for anyone. It is not for the faint of heart."

Born Bryan Jacob Snyder-Brown, Buzz said after settling on a list of potential names, his next step was vital — getting his mother on board.

“I've asked my mother for the last, I would say I think it's five or six years. I've asked her every year for Christmas,” Buzz said. “I wanted her permission to legally change my name because I told her that I would either wait until two weeks after she'd passed to get started or when I had her permission.”

Among the list of names potential names, one stood out.

“I sent my mother the list of names, and she just ultimately decided Buzz The Entertainer was probably the best one, and that was the most fitting,” Buzz said.

The new name, while reflecting his work as a multifaceted entertainer, also had roots in his past.

“I was given the nickname Buzz back in high school from a teacher,” Buzz said.

And so, the work began to make the name legal began.

“I went on to do some research and found out what all you have to do,” Buzz said.

He then proceeded with the steps to start the process, filling in the required paperwork and paying to have a legal notice published and court costs.

As a part of the process, he said he also was required to inform everyone he does business with.

“And this year, I finally had an attorney looking over with me and make sure that we were good to go and have a court date now,” Buzz said.

The hearing is set for 1:30 p.m. Dec. 28.

After, Buzz The Entertainer will be his new legal name, something he sees as an asset to his entertainment career.

As a longtime Ellis County resident, he said he had embraced various avenues of entertainment over the last five years of professional performances.

“I do comedy magic / hypnosis shows as a combination," Buzz said "I've also DJ'd a lot of weddings out here."

Recently, he has also started traveling to Kansas City for drag performances there.

“I have a couple of good friends out in Kansas City, who are big-name entertainers in the LGBTQ market,” Buzz said. “So, it was pretty easy for me to call them. … And I've met a lot of great people in Kansas City who have given me a lot of advice on breaking into that market.”

And while he hopes the name change helps generate some new attention for his shows, he also said he knows the value of hard work.

“You also have to do a lot of the backend work, which nobody ever likes to do,” Buzz said. “Because the backend work of doing anything is never the fun stuff.”

But that work had paid off, as he has become known locally for his various performances, he said.

“I have a friend of mine who called me 'Hays famous,' ” Buzz said. “If I ever go to a bar ... most people know me as the guy who does magic. So, I almost always have a deck of cards on me.”

When he can, he engages with those local fans.

“I'll show you a magic trick because you don't get into magic because you enjoy being a shy person,” Buzz said.

He also enjoys meeting area residents from all walks of life.

“I got to meet a lot of people doing magic that I otherwise wouldn't have met,” Buzz said.

He hoped the new name would continue that trend as the new year approaches and more area residents discover Buzz and his entertainment enterprises.

Read more about Buzz and his company, Assassin Entertainment, at

He can also be reached at (844) Go-4-Buzz.