Jul 25, 2024

Hays Community Theatre presents 'Once Upon a Mattress' Thursday

Posted Jul 25, 2024 9:45 AM
Brooke Leiker as Winifred on top of a stack of mattresses for the "Once Upon a Mattress" production by Hays Community Theatre. Photo by Jeff Leiker/Hays Post
Brooke Leiker as Winifred on top of a stack of mattresses for the "Once Upon a Mattress" production by Hays Community Theatre. Photo by Jeff Leiker/Hays Post

Hays Post

Step into the fairy tale world of "Once Upon a Mattress," a delightful retelling of The Princess and the Pea by Hays Community Theatre.

"Once Upon a Mattress" is a musical comedy that premiered in an off-Broadway theater in 1959. The play is a humorous adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's 1835 tale, "The Princess and the Pea."

Director Paul English said the fun and whimsical story promotes positive themes through its characters and is brought to life by a close-knit cast behind the scenes.

"The whole idea of not living up to the expectations of other people or putting those above your own sense of self is a good healthy theme to promote," English said.

Everrett Robert as King Sextimus, Jerrett Leiker as the Minstrel, Natalie Loftus as Lady Larken and Claire Nickerson as the Jester for the "Once Upon a Mattress" production by Hays Community Theatre. Photo by Jeff Leiker/Hays Post
Everrett Robert as King Sextimus, Jerrett Leiker as the Minstrel, Natalie Loftus as Lady Larken and Claire Nickerson as the Jester for the "Once Upon a Mattress" production by Hays Community Theatre. Photo by Jeff Leiker/Hays Post
Michele English as Queen Aggravian and Kelly Hall as the Wizard for the "Once Upon a Mattress" production by Hays Community Theatre. Photo by Jeff Leiker/Hays Post
Michele English as Queen Aggravian and Kelly Hall as the Wizard for the "Once Upon a Mattress" production by Hays Community Theatre. Photo by Jeff Leiker/Hays Post

The play is set for Thursday through Saturday at the Beach Schmidt Performing Arts Center at Fort Hays State University. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with the show at 7 p.m.

Tickets are available now for $15. You can purchase yours online here or at the doors. 

After 460 performances on Broadway, "Once Upon a Mattress" was nominated for Best Musical at the 1960 Tony Awards. It was later adapted for television in 1964, 1972, and 2005.

In the HCT production, Eric Adams portrays Prince Dauntless, whose quest for true love is interrupted by his mother, Queen Aggravain, played by Michele English.

Brooke Leiker stars as Winifred, the faraway swamp princess who remains her authentic self while being tested for marriage to the prince.

"She's very true to her own spirit and I think that's part of the fun is seeing her stand up and say 'I'm just going to be me,'" English said.

Winnifred's sensitivity is tested by the Queen's scheme involving a pea placed beneath twenty mattresses, a significant set piece in the story.

Brooke Leiker as Winifred lying on top of a stack of mattresses for the "Once Upon a Mattress" production by Hays Community Theatre. Photo by Jeff Leiker/Hays Post
Brooke Leiker as Winifred lying on top of a stack of mattresses for the "Once Upon a Mattress" production by Hays Community Theatre. Photo by Jeff Leiker/Hays Post

The play also features Nathan Stecklein as Lord Harry, Natalie Loftus as Lady Larken, Everrett Robert as the cursed King Sextimus, Adrian Normandin as Sir Studley and Caleb Johnson as Sir Luce.

Music Director Nathan Leiker is graduating with a degree in music education and has participated in numerous productions, but this marks his debut as a music director.

Choreographer Jess Hamner has also worked on HCT productions and is stepping up for the first time to take on the role of choreographer.

English said this is an opportunity for them to stand on their own two feet as the cast of 26 prepares for the show thanks to their commitment.

"On the production side of this, there have been a lot of people who are very dedicated and have been there through the whole process," he said. "Their energy and excitement made this happen."

Brooke Leiker  (center)  as Winifred singing Song of Love with the ensemble cast on the "Once Upon a Mattress" production by Hays Community Theatre. Photo by Jeff Leiker/Hays Post
Brooke Leiker  (center)  as Winifred singing Song of Love with the ensemble cast on the "Once Upon a Mattress" production by Hays Community Theatre. Photo by Jeff Leiker/Hays Post

"Once Upon a Mattress" features actors ranging from 12-year-olds in middle school to recent high school graduates.

HCT is always seeking new members to join their family and assist with productions. English said that the cast is ahead of schedule and prepared to deliver a "happily ever after" performance.

"We've got this interesting mixture of just over 18 and under and they've kind of gelled together as this group of people that have a lot in common," he said. "I've talked to my crew that every expression and everything you do creates magic and that gets translated to the audience."

Natalie Loftus as Lady Larken (left) performing with the ensemble cast for the "Once Upon a Mattress" production by Hays Community Theatre. Photo by Jeff Leiker/Hays Post
Natalie Loftus as Lady Larken (left) performing with the ensemble cast for the "Once Upon a Mattress" production by Hays Community Theatre. Photo by Jeff Leiker/Hays Post

The theatre is a non-profit organization that depends on patronage and donations from the surrounding area to showcase local talent. You can donate and fill out a volunteer form here.

English said the three-day run of "Once Upon a Mattress" will offer something for everyone, featuring comedy for kids and themes that adults will appreciate.

"By the end of the show we get a sense of this adventure that a very meek little prince goes through to finally get his princess," English said.

On Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., HCT will hold auditions for "Gran's Guide to Stop an OGRE!" as part of their annual Paula Huser Children's Theatre production. Auditions are open to students entering 1st through 8th grade this fall, with production dates set for September 13 to 15.

You can find more information at the Hays Community Theatre website and follow them on Facebook.

Natalie Loftus as Lady Larken and Nathan Stecklein as Lord Harry for the "Once Upon a Mattress" production by Hays Community Theatre. Photo by Jeff Leiker/Hays Post
Natalie Loftus as Lady Larken and Nathan Stecklein as Lord Harry for the "Once Upon a Mattress" production by Hays Community Theatre. Photo by Jeff Leiker/Hays Post