Dec 15, 2021

Ellis County tax deadline approaching

Posted Dec 15, 2021 3:00 PM

Ellis County Treasurer

Dec. 20 is the deadline for the first half of taxes for 2021.

If the first half of real estate taxes are not paid by Dec. 20 nine percent interest per annum will be charged.

If the first half of the personal property taxes are not paid by Dec. 20 full payment is due, plus four percent interest per annum.

Effective Jan. 1, 10 percent interest will be charged to taxpayers with aggregated delinquency of over $10,000 on personal property.

Effective Jan. 1, 15 percent interest will be charged to taxpayers with aggregated delinquency of over $10,000 on real estate.

Call 785-628-9465 for all your real estate, personal property and oil tax information.