Oct 07, 2022

Imagine Ellis County sends quality-of-life survey to residents

Posted Oct 07, 2022 10:45 AM


Imagine Ellis County has enlisted the assistance of Fort Hays State University’s Docking Institute to conduct a survey on quality-of-life priorities for Ellis County.

The study aims to better understand residents’ perceptions and preferences regarding various aspects of the county that can improve the area as a place to live, work and play.

The more households who respond, the more beneficial the findings will be for identifying quality-of-life priorities in our county.

The first mailing wave of questionnaires and cover letters has been sent to a random selection of households in the county. The second wave will go out soon.

The questionnaire booklet requires only about 10 to 15 minutes to fill out, and it is pre-addressed and postage paid for direct return by mail to the Docking Institute.