News release
The Ellis County Ham Operators want to invite everyone to attend the American Radio Relay League Field Day beginning with a swap fest at 10 a.m. and official field day activities starting at 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 25, 2022, near the west officer’s quarters at Historic Fort Hays.
ARRL Field Day is a coordinated opportunity for thousands of amateur radio enthusiasts throughout the U.S and Canada to set up temporary communications stations and make radio contacts with others. Licensed radio operators (called “Hams”) spend the weekend honing their technical skills for community outreach and emergency preparedness.
The first ARRL Field Day event was held in June 1933 with a pause from 1942 to 1945 during World War II. The event continues to be a popular annual activity with growing public appeal.
“Take a moment to put your cell phone aside and join us on Field Day 2022 and get a glimpse of the excitement modern Ham radio operators experience today,” said John Begler, president of ECHO.
During the contest, stations exchange call signs and information about their locations and equipment using a variety of radios from old tube-style relics to modern sophisticated digital radios.
The event is a contest for clubs, like ECHO, teams and other individuals to make contact with as many stations as possible across the Americas and around the world. Field Day activities span over two days, officially beginning on Saturday, June 25 at 18:00 hours Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is 1 p.m. central standard time,and ends on Sunday, June 26, at 20:59 hours (UTC), which is one minute before 6 p.m. central standard time in Hays.
“This is a great opportunity to learn more about the history of communications, and the radio communication tools that continue to have value today,” Begler said.
The event is designed for amateur radio enthusiasts to hone their skills and is an open invitation from the public to learn more and maybe, one day become Ham operators themselves.
For more information follow the club’s Facebook page @ Ellis County Ham Operators Club (ECHO). You are also invited to attend the club’s monthly meetings which are held the first Thursday of every month, starting at 7 p.m., in the meeting room at the Ellis County Extension Office, 601 Main Street, Hays. You can also contact the group by email at [email protected].