Mar 12, 2022

Barbershop harmony returns to the stage in Hays, Colby

Posted Mar 12, 2022 11:30 AM


After enduring two years of no annual shows, barbershop harmony is returning to Northwest Kansas. The Tumbleweed Chorus presents its 40th “mostly” annual show “Sound Celebration” at 2 p.m. CDT Saturday, March 26, at the Cultural Arts Center at Colby Community College. 

The Tumbleweed Chorus will sing jointly with the Hays High Plains Barbershop Chorus. Max Befort is director of the Hays chorus and will direct most of the jointly performed songs.

Combined chorus songs featured include: Sound Celebration, True Love, Sentimental Journey, Stand by Me, Lullabye (Goodnight My Angel), Hooked on a Feeling, When I Lift Up My Head, Hallelujah and God Bless the USA.

The Tumbleweed Chorus and the Prairie Rose Harmony women’s group will be led by director Thomas Annis. Northwest Kansasmen’s quartets “Uncalled Four” and “Prairie Timbre” will also entertain.

Kansas State University’s In-A-Chord is a contemporary a capellagroup that will showcase the second half of the Colby show. Among the student members is Eric Annis, collage freshman son of Thomas and Suzy Annis, Oakley, who started singing with the Tumbleweed Chorus in late 2011 as a third grader.

In-A-Chord performs a wide variety of pop and contemporary music throughout Kansas and surrounding states. They were recently selected to perform at the National A Cappella Conference in Memphis and for the Southwest ACDA Conference in Kansas City.In-A-Chord is overseen by Dr. Joshua Oppenheim, Co-Director of Choral Studies. 

See for links to In-A-Chord including video samples.

For Colby tickets call 785-694-3057 or buy from any area member. Tickets are just $10 each and will also be available at the door for the March 26 show in Colby.

The Tumbleweed Chorus made it a priority to harmonize Thursday nights whether via zoom, in a Brewster member’s implement- shop building, and at an alternate Oakley church for much of thepandemic from March 2020 through spring 2021. Only in the last several months was the chorus able to meet again at the Colby United Methodist Church from 8-10 p.m. Thursdays.

“Those of us in the Tumbleweed Chorus take a lot of joy in singing together,“ Dan O’ Brien, chorus president said. “We invite everyone to come to our March 26 show and enjoy these Barbershop harmonies together with us. This is a show for the whole family to enjoy. The In-A-Chord group from Kansas State University will provide a vibrant, energetic and entertaining experience for all. We look forward to seeing you all there.”

Colby travels to Hays in April for Hays High Plains Chorus shows

The Tumbleweed Chorus will then join the Hays High Plains Barbershop Chorus for its 54th Anniversary Show “Let’s Celebrate Singing Again.”

Midtown, a recent international contest finalist, will be the finale quartet for both the 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. CDT shows, Saturday, April 2 at the Beach-Schmidt Performing Arts Center, Sheridan Hall, Fort Hays State University Campus. 

Based out of Manhattan, New York, Midtown is a dynamic, Barbershop Harmony Society International 2019 fifth-place award winning vocal quartet that provides an entertainment experience in all genres of American music.

Tickets $15 at the door for the April 2 shows in Hays. For $13 advance tickets call Vance Chartier 785-623-6747 or on-line at Both Hays shows also feature two chapter quartets and the Fort Hays Singers.