Nov 16, 2022

Colby art instructor, FHSU grad featured in Deines exhibition

Posted Nov 16, 2022 11:20 AM
Artwork by Rebel Mathieu
Artwork by Rebel Mathieu


RUSSELL — The Deines Cultural Center welcomes its newest art exhibition with Rebel Mahieu and her show: Master of Ceremonies.

Rebel was born in Beloit in 1972 and grew up on a farm north of Glen Elder. She received an associate of arts degree from Cloud County Community College, studied commercial design at Kansas State University, and received a B.A. in art education with an emphasis in printmaking from Fort Hays State University in 1995.

She then taught art for eight years, coached basketball and helped STUCO students build floats for parades at Ruppenthal Middle School in Russell, Kansas.

In 2012, Rebel received a MLS degree in sculpture from Fort Hays State University and is now in her 15th year of teaching art at Colby Community College; she absolutely loves working with students to encourage them to experiment with materials and ideas and to promote art/artists in the community.

More artwork by Rebel Mathieu
More artwork by Rebel Mathieu

When Rebel is creating she enjoys using layers of various materials in a mixed medium style. In her layers you will see symbols, color, and texture used to express an idea or moment in time.

Rebel enjoys going to galleries, taking part in and organizing art walks, and traipsing around the country with her boys and family looking for Native American petroglyphs/pictographs and studying the culture.

Rebel Mahieu's exhibition is at the Deines Cultural Center now through Jan. 4.

The Deines is located at 820 N. Main St. in Russell. Admission is free. Call 785-483-3742 for information.