The Hoxie High School Auditorium will be the location for 12X Branson show award winner Keith Allynn to unveil his story of Neil Diamond’s life. The production will commence on Sunday, October 16th, 3:00 p.m. (CDT) in the Auditorium. Allynn and the Double Diamond Show Band tell the story of Diamond’s life through Diamond’s own songs, while weaving through Allynn’s own comedic journey from a top 10 Elvis in the World to Neil Diamond---all for the love of a woman. This show has been in production in Branson for over ten years. Whether you are a Neil Diamond fan, a Keith Allynn fan, or a simple fan of quality entertainment and showmanship, prepare to take a journey that will leave you amazed!
This show is generously funded by Mid-America Arts Alliance, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the state arts agencies of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas. In addition, funding has been received from the Dane G. Hansen Foundation. Admission is with season ticket, or at the door; Adults, $20; Students, $10.