Grow Hays Inc. is accepting candidate applications for board of director positions that will open in 2023, beginning Jan. 1. There will be four open positions the board will be looking to fill. Self-nominations are encouraged.
Prospective candidates must be willing to serve a three-year term. The Grow Hays Board meets a minimum of once a month, on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 3:30 p.m. Board members are occasionally asked to serve on additional committees, which meet as required.
Grow Hays Inc. is a nonprofit organization aimed at advancing the economic health and vitality of Ellis County. Long known for its efforts to promote a robust economy through business creation, retention, expansion, and recruitment, Grow Hays continues to develop and maintain strong relationships with local, state, and federal organizations in an effort to bring resources and support to businesses located in the community.
If you have any questions regarding the expectations if elected to the board, or the nature of the work required of Grow Hays Board members, call Grow Hays at 785-628-3102.
Candidate applications are available at or at BriefSpace, 219 W. 10th. Deadline to apply is noon, Nov. 10.