I will apologize for my bluntness but I have to let my feelings be known. As most know I have been in law enforcement for over forty years. I have seen things that most people could not imagine, thus causing me to voice my concerns for the upcoming election.
I am extremely concerned for the safety of our children if the YES vote would win.
This vote would put our children at risk as they will have to be transported to schools farther away from where they are going right now. Our buses stand a greater chance of being in an accident due to road conditions such as rain, ice, and snow. Our older children that can drive will be in the same danger.
I know that our children and adults text while they drive as I have tried to enforce this law. I know they will be texting while driving on a highway at higher speeds than in town thus elevating the chance of an accident. I have had to give notifications to family members for numerous reasons that a family member has been hurt or deceased.
This is a tragic thing to do when it is a motor vehicle accident. The shock to the family is devastating as I have experienced it for myself. My mother was killed in a motor vehicle accident in 2008 and I received the information by phone.
I think those responsible for this issue of ending the school district did not think this through as they are putting our children at risk, if this issue passes.
I also have concerns about other issues this vote could cause but my main concern is for the safety of our children. I would ask that all of you that have children, grandchildren, or other family members think about this as you vote on this issue.
- Gary D. Vaughan, Claflin