KANSAS CITY, Kan. – The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks is currently accepting applications for 2022-2023 “Special Hunts” – hunts conducted on lands not normally open to unrestricted hunting, which include select KDWP-managed properties, refuges, Walk-in Hunting Access areas, city and county properties, and other locations. KDWP’s Special Hunts also limit the number of participants to ensure a quality experience or to achieve specific management goals, such as herd reduction.
This fall and winter, more than 370 special hunting opportunities will be held on the following properties:
- 21 – KDWP Wildlife Areas
- 6 – Kansas State Parks
- 3 – State Fishing Lakes
- 3 – County-owned Properties
- 2 – Private Lands
- 2 – National Wildlife Refuges
- 1 – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lake
Hunters have the option to apply in four categories, including youth, mentor, disabled, and open hunts. Youth hunts require parties to include at least one youth who must be accompanied by an adult mentor, and the adult(s) may not hunt. Mentor hunts are open to both youth and/or inexperienced (novice) hunters who are each supervised by a licensed adult mentor, during which time both the novice and mentor may hunt. Disabled hunts are designed for individuals with disabilities. And lastly, open hunts are available to all persons, with no age or experience restrictions.
Hunters should note, prior to applying, that KDWP’s Special Hunts program only provides access to properties; Licenses, permits, tags, stamps, and Hunter Education are still required, unless exempt.
KDWP’s Licensing staff will draw applications for fall and winter special hunts on Aug. 8 (for hunts taking place in September/October 2022), Sept. 26 (for hunts taking place in November/December 2022) and again on Dec. 12 (for hunts taking place in January/February 2023).
For a complete list of available Special Hunts, eligibility requirements and instructions for applying, visit https://ksoutdoors.com/Hunting/Special-Hunts-Information.