News release
Divine Mercy Radio is gearing up for their 12th annual Appreciation Banquet to be held in Hays on Sept. 10 and in Salina on Sept. 11. The guest speaker is Father Wade L. J. Menezes, CPM, of the Fathers of Mercy, based out of Auburn, Ken.
The banquet in Hays will begin with a social hour at 6 p.m., followed by a meal and program. It will be held at the Rose Garden Banquet Hall, 2350 E. Eighth.
In Salina, the banquet will also begin with a social hour, but at 5 p.m., followed by a meal and program. It will be held in the Hall of Bishops at Sacred Heart Cathedral, 118 N. Ninth.
“We’re thrilled that Father Wade Menezes will be able to help us celebrate 12 years on the air,” said Donetta Robben, executive director of Divine Mercy Radio. "Father Menezes is an excellent speaker, and he often gives the spiritual talks to us at the annual Catholic Radio Conference. He can be heard on Divine Mercy Radio at 2 p.m. each Tuesday, during the Open Line segment, where he answers any questions about the Catholic faith.”
The title of his banquet talks will be, “In Defense of Truth and Faith: Our Catholic Calling.”
Tickets are $55 if ordered before Aug. 20. After that, the price goes up to $60. No tickets can be sold after Sept. 1. Tickets can be purchased by sending a check to: Appreciation Banquet, Divine Mercy Radio, 108 E. 12th St., Hays, KS 67601. Tickets can also be purchased online at Please state which banquet you will be attending, Hays or Salina, and your meal choice, which is beef or chicken. More information, as well as the menu is at the website,
Divine Mercy Radio began broadcasting December 20, 2010, in Hays with the station KVDM, 88.1. Five years later they expended into KRTT, 88.1, Great Bend. Two years ago, they began broadcasting on KJDM, 101.7, Lindsborg/Salina and on KMDG 105.7, Hays. Currently, they are raising funds to build KGOH, 89.1 in Colby. Divine Mercy Radio is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization relying on the generosity of its listeners.