RUSSELL — The next art show at the Deines Cultural Center opens on Sunday with a reception from 2-4 p.m.. This special invitational show celebrates the warm breezes, wild flowers, and green pastures of the season.
Fourteen Kansas artists have contributed their expressions of summer.
Paintings, mixed media, ceramics, and jewelry is shown by artists Krystal Barnes, David Friday, Tracy Hanzlick, Mick Jilg, Hays, Joyce Jilg, Hays, Robert Joy, Cally Krallman, Kathleen Kuchar, Hays, Cal Mahin, Angela Muller, Barbara Stevens, Nicole Thibodeau, and Shannon Trevethan can be see at the Deines Cultural Center June 26th through August 3rd.
The Deines Cultural Center is located in downtown Russell at 820 N. Main Street. Admission to the galleries is free and everyone is welcome.
Follow us on Facebook or call 785-483-3742 for exhibit and event information.